light it up
Monday, October 30
:D:D went shopping with yanjing ytd. bought a mage hat for the halloween party!! but what im going to wear doesnt match my mage hat at all! well, at least i have got a mage hat! cant wait for the halloween party!
the salesperson who served us when shopping for clothes was so sweet and nice!
had training today! 4 consecutive trainings! good luck everyone:D:D JIA YOU!
my mp3 is spoilt! its screen crack! costs $81.50 to repair! thus i have decided to buy a new one! zen vplus.
the salesperson who served us when shopping for clothes was so sweet and nice!
had training today! 4 consecutive trainings! good luck everyone:D:D JIA YOU!
my mp3 is spoilt! its screen crack! costs $81.50 to repair! thus i have decided to buy a new one! zen vplus.

10:03 PM
Saturday, October 28

had gathering before the concert. :D:D it was elise birthday too. sang happy birthday many times in pizza hut. weiyang was like the overall in charge! he went around checking and asking us if we need anything else.

the latin pop concert. i think the instruments were very cleverly used. ohhh the baby in front of qinxin was so cute!! curly hair!!

miss seah! :D:D
halloween party! i cant wait for it!
11:49 PM
Thursday, October 26
oh mannnnn. today is the last day of school and there will be no more of goodmorning's and goodbye's said together as a class. and when i heard the whole class said goodbye miss seah. thank you miss seah. have a nice day miss seah,i teared. its the last time saying to miss seah as a class!
2d1 is quite a weird class. we dont behave that well yet we get all the best behaved class awards. we dont really sweep the floor yet we got the cleanest class award.
1d1'05/2d1'06 i think we have grown quite a bit and become united as a class.
especially when we were war with 2c1. that whole part was rather funny and miss seah became involved somehow.
i remember mrs tham telling us stories and the whole class would go "eee".
during sec1 days i remember we dont really like tricia and qinxin would always not agree with her. they are good friends now. :D
then amy migrated to canada. amy amy come back to singapore!
during sec1, lynn was my first seating partner. the most frequent question i asked was "what's your psle score huh?" i kept repeating the question till she was super irritated with me and she secretly complained about me to amy!
then qinxin and i sat together. i remember putting the broken pieces of valent tube on her head and she was like scolding me f*** and all the b*****. i was super scared of her! till one day she stopped scolding me and i was like" qinxin you dont scold me f*** anymore!" then she went "f***" qinxin and i used the solar power thing on the calculator to spy on the class during lessons when we were bored! haha! especially dan dan and yingting. and the only thing they did was to turn back and talk to qingye and yahuan!
to 2D1'06:

hi bryan TY! i think you have the smallest butt. and i will never forget that during examinations you were the only one who said thank you auntie. bye yamashita!

chua jie run! you must sing my happy birthday song using your guitar! please remember me when you become some super hot singer one fine day! jia you:D

foo kok ti! dont cry so easily okay! must 坚强! kok ti you have been a very helpful boy and we may be the in the same class. :D

foo ying ting! you are always super loud sometimes even louder than me! haha! jia you for your syf dance! i cant wait to see it!

ho yan jing! you are not deidara and you will never be. deidara-wannabe. stop crying so often and i wish you will get more presents from your timothy. good luck with him!

grace hong chu yu! dont be affected by the lee yuan. yuan yuan. i am taking history! stay crazy okay:D

khoo qin xin! you stopped scolding me all the f*** and ya... i still prefer your long long ponytail which can bounce bounce bounce! so grow your hair:D. you have been my best seating partner and if if if we happen to be in the same class next year, i hope to be sitting with you!

mervyn sim geng hua! okay okay you are the best scrabble player in our class! but remember its khim geok and i. not i and khim geok.

ng yi rong. i dont really know you well but can you stop running away from the candid camera!

quek khim geok! you are a super nice girl to talk to! you are definitely not selfish because whatever i ask you, you will definitely tell me! :D:D buy more shows to watch so that you can share with me! continue to work hard and i would like to continue arguing with you! thanks for the card.

quek yong liang. oh man you are a damn funny person who does funny things without knowing. rock on!

seow kian seng! your skin is damn white and your lips are damn red. you are snow white. $_$ treasurer!

sim zhao jie! zi lian! you take videos of yourself in lynn's cam! good luck to you!

soh hwee chin! hello! why are you always so sad to smile when taking photo! come on rock on:D smile!

jenny sua gin nee! oh man! you have to shout louder for the class to listen to you! otherwise nobody is listening! haha. you like shin.
lynn sun qian ting! pradaaaaaaaaaaa. tall tall! HAPPY? are a very fun person and you will bring joy to the class! rock on! stay cheerful!

sun qing ye! okay okay! you are taller! walao why you pon school on the last day! you are extremely talkative okay! stop acting emo.

sun ya huan! always look on the bright side of life! dont be so sad everyday! AIYO! eat more potatoes!

tan jiun jia! :D we have the same mp3 player although yours look much better! jia you in everything!

tay qi shi! i like to write your chinese name! haha! you have been sitting with me in chinese class for super duper long! you are nice to print all the lyrics for whatever songs and to sing for me whenever i dont know whats the tune:D

tin wei yang best friend! oh man you look like lee kuan yew! hah! you have grown a lot taller! CONTINUE GROWING!

titus yeo hua chong! another scrabbler pro. you look like mouse and you are damn good at bluffing people.

toh quan mei! your piano is grade 8! thats super good! next grade is diploma! you are good in piano! and you can sing well! good luck! maybe you will be a musician some day!

tricia quek jia min! rock on and good luck for netball and your studies! jia you!!

tammy tse tsz yan! best friend! green tea! its been nice to disturb you and play with you! you are quite a cry baby and you are always the first to cry! you are a nice friend! can you not take geog? thanks for the card:D

nicholas weeeee! can you sit up straight and not sit like a "C". good luck for your volleyball !

samuel wong li yan! you have been reading all the cheem cheem books! and you did not talk to me a lot even when i was sitting with you but when you were with khim geok you became irritating and kept turning back to touch qingye ruler! good luck for all your soccer matches.

wong min wei! thanks for encouraging everytime when i cannot shoot in. or screaming at me! you have been a great friend! i will continue to see you during trainings! :D:D

xu ming ge! omg! you are acting cute again! you are forever acting cute! good luck for all your xiang sheng competitions! win all of them! go go go!

elise yap! hello! you are always with jenny and dan dan! but i rmb i quarelled with you once! and i was siding with amy! you are quite chatty actually! :D rock on!

yee jia en! hello girl! you like to read a lot of books! and thats good! continue doing so! there is a lot of coconut tree in singapore! im sure you are glad to see that:D good luck in everything:D thanks for the card:D

YEO kai siang! i remember last year your uniform colour was blue. so i remembered you as the blue guy! crazy naruto fan.

YEO zhenning! all the yeo's girls all very pretty so remember to bring a photo of your sister to prove to lynn! happy belated birthday! lalal not too late right.

yvonne lee yu lun! thanks for the soft toys you gave to me! work hard in everything you do! hope your finger will recover soon!

zhuo dan square! egg egg! you are the last person! but last but not least! so yeah!DAN DAN 2D1's class chairperson! the person who does all the things that we dont want to do! you have to scream at us to get our attention but very often we dont listen to you! dan dan! you have been very nice to us! 女儿再见了! lol! rock on dandan!

2d1 is quite a weird class. we dont behave that well yet we get all the best behaved class awards. we dont really sweep the floor yet we got the cleanest class award.
1d1'05/2d1'06 i think we have grown quite a bit and become united as a class.
especially when we were war with 2c1. that whole part was rather funny and miss seah became involved somehow.
i remember mrs tham telling us stories and the whole class would go "eee".
during sec1 days i remember we dont really like tricia and qinxin would always not agree with her. they are good friends now. :D
then amy migrated to canada. amy amy come back to singapore!
during sec1, lynn was my first seating partner. the most frequent question i asked was "what's your psle score huh?" i kept repeating the question till she was super irritated with me and she secretly complained about me to amy!
then qinxin and i sat together. i remember putting the broken pieces of valent tube on her head and she was like scolding me f*** and all the b*****. i was super scared of her! till one day she stopped scolding me and i was like" qinxin you dont scold me f*** anymore!" then she went "f***" qinxin and i used the solar power thing on the calculator to spy on the class during lessons when we were bored! haha! especially dan dan and yingting. and the only thing they did was to turn back and talk to qingye and yahuan!
to 2D1'06:

hi bryan TY! i think you have the smallest butt. and i will never forget that during examinations you were the only one who said thank you auntie. bye yamashita!

chua jie run! you must sing my happy birthday song using your guitar! please remember me when you become some super hot singer one fine day! jia you:D

foo kok ti! dont cry so easily okay! must 坚强! kok ti you have been a very helpful boy and we may be the in the same class. :D

foo ying ting! you are always super loud sometimes even louder than me! haha! jia you for your syf dance! i cant wait to see it!

ho yan jing! you are not deidara and you will never be. deidara-wannabe. stop crying so often and i wish you will get more presents from your timothy. good luck with him!

grace hong chu yu! dont be affected by the lee yuan. yuan yuan. i am taking history! stay crazy okay:D

khoo qin xin! you stopped scolding me all the f*** and ya... i still prefer your long long ponytail which can bounce bounce bounce! so grow your hair:D. you have been my best seating partner and if if if we happen to be in the same class next year, i hope to be sitting with you!

mervyn sim geng hua! okay okay you are the best scrabble player in our class! but remember its khim geok and i. not i and khim geok.

ng yi rong. i dont really know you well but can you stop running away from the candid camera!

quek khim geok! you are a super nice girl to talk to! you are definitely not selfish because whatever i ask you, you will definitely tell me! :D:D buy more shows to watch so that you can share with me! continue to work hard and i would like to continue arguing with you! thanks for the card.

quek yong liang. oh man you are a damn funny person who does funny things without knowing. rock on!

seow kian seng! your skin is damn white and your lips are damn red. you are snow white. $_$ treasurer!

sim zhao jie! zi lian! you take videos of yourself in lynn's cam! good luck to you!

soh hwee chin! hello! why are you always so sad to smile when taking photo! come on rock on:D smile!

jenny sua gin nee! oh man! you have to shout louder for the class to listen to you! otherwise nobody is listening! haha. you like shin.

sun qing ye! okay okay! you are taller! walao why you pon school on the last day! you are extremely talkative okay! stop acting emo.

sun ya huan! always look on the bright side of life! dont be so sad everyday! AIYO! eat more potatoes!

tan jiun jia! :D we have the same mp3 player although yours look much better! jia you in everything!

tay qi shi! i like to write your chinese name! haha! you have been sitting with me in chinese class for super duper long! you are nice to print all the lyrics for whatever songs and to sing for me whenever i dont know whats the tune:D

tin wei yang best friend! oh man you look like lee kuan yew! hah! you have grown a lot taller! CONTINUE GROWING!

titus yeo hua chong! another scrabbler pro. you look like mouse and you are damn good at bluffing people.

toh quan mei! your piano is grade 8! thats super good! next grade is diploma! you are good in piano! and you can sing well! good luck! maybe you will be a musician some day!

tricia quek jia min! rock on and good luck for netball and your studies! jia you!!

tammy tse tsz yan! best friend! green tea! its been nice to disturb you and play with you! you are quite a cry baby and you are always the first to cry! you are a nice friend! can you not take geog? thanks for the card:D

nicholas weeeee! can you sit up straight and not sit like a "C". good luck for your volleyball !

samuel wong li yan! you have been reading all the cheem cheem books! and you did not talk to me a lot even when i was sitting with you but when you were with khim geok you became irritating and kept turning back to touch qingye ruler! good luck for all your soccer matches.

wong min wei! thanks for encouraging everytime when i cannot shoot in. or screaming at me! you have been a great friend! i will continue to see you during trainings! :D:D

xu ming ge! omg! you are acting cute again! you are forever acting cute! good luck for all your xiang sheng competitions! win all of them! go go go!

elise yap! hello! you are always with jenny and dan dan! but i rmb i quarelled with you once! and i was siding with amy! you are quite chatty actually! :D rock on!

yee jia en! hello girl! you like to read a lot of books! and thats good! continue doing so! there is a lot of coconut tree in singapore! im sure you are glad to see that:D good luck in everything:D thanks for the card:D

YEO kai siang! i remember last year your uniform colour was blue. so i remembered you as the blue guy! crazy naruto fan.

YEO zhenning! all the yeo's girls all very pretty so remember to bring a photo of your sister to prove to lynn! happy belated birthday! lalal not too late right.

yvonne lee yu lun! thanks for the soft toys you gave to me! work hard in everything you do! hope your finger will recover soon!

zhuo dan square! egg egg! you are the last person! but last but not least! so yeah!DAN DAN 2D1's class chairperson! the person who does all the things that we dont want to do! you have to scream at us to get our attention but very often we dont listen to you! dan dan! you have been very nice to us! 女儿再见了! lol! rock on dandan!


7:29 PM
Tuesday, October 24
i think our school should have 1 on 1 briefing on the streaming! the teachers should also know the exact cut off point for the stream. they should know everything and not like whatever we asked them they would not know. if they dont know who else will know.
i think im taking triple science plus a maths and the 5compulsory subjects! oh yes you know the option form, they wrote please tick against your choice. so most probably im going to school tomorrow to tick my choices.
thursday will be the last day of school! its so fast! and next year we will be in sec3s and all guys will be in long long pants! the guys should start growing because if short guys wear long pants it will be weird! thats why we love g-r-o-w GROW! haha!drink more milk!
went to vivo city! many days ago with hannah!

adidas cushion!
i think im taking triple science plus a maths and the 5compulsory subjects! oh yes you know the option form, they wrote please tick against your choice. so most probably im going to school tomorrow to tick my choices.
thursday will be the last day of school! its so fast! and next year we will be in sec3s and all guys will be in long long pants! the guys should start growing because if short guys wear long pants it will be weird! thats why we love g-r-o-w GROW! haha!drink more milk!
went to vivo city! many days ago with hannah!

adidas cushion!
9:01 PM
Friday, October 20
hello! today was super duper boring! there was nothing to do! first was the celebration which was pretty alright! except that there were too many dancing parts. then then was the wayang which came last year. i dont like the wayang. its so boring and every line they speak, they have to like flip here and there. the man mumbled his way through and finally the thing finished! we were planning to watch shutter today and khim geok brought her disc along:D however mr lau announced that we have to bring the computer to the CPA so yea no more shutter! we stayed in class to play scrabble.
played maple ytd! although maple is super outdated and its like killing stupid monsters but yea.. its quite fun.

trained today with ms choo! ms choo has a piercing on her eyebrow? i wonder how she takes it out!
played maple ytd! although maple is super outdated and its like killing stupid monsters but yea.. its quite fun.

trained today with ms choo! ms choo has a piercing on her eyebrow? i wonder how she takes it out!
8:07 PM
Wednesday, October 18
blogger loads so super slowly today! ahh having stomach cramps again!
our school never guide us anything about the subjects combination at all! they never like tell us if we take this combination what are the pros and cons and everything. i was arguing with khim geok about whether to go jc or poly! lol!
went to banana house today. and yanjing is really crazy. auditions is so stupid.
have a nice day:D
our school never guide us anything about the subjects combination at all! they never like tell us if we take this combination what are the pros and cons and everything. i was arguing with khim geok about whether to go jc or poly! lol!
went to banana house today. and yanjing is really crazy. auditions is so stupid.
have a nice day:D
8:24 PM
Tuesday, October 17
there is gong on channelu now! yea go watch go watch!
did not going to school today! and liu lao shi called me! i was still sleeping okay! i had stomach cramp ytd which was very pain! then today was not that bad already then i went to see the doctor and got my mc!
got back all the results already. heard from yanjing i got 9th in class! i havent got top10 before for so long okay! i was rather surprised at my history results! english is a difficult sub to score! i need to read alot alot of books from now on! grace did damn well for english!! i will definitely not take lit next year. i cannot score well for lit! i am satisfied with my results for science cause i expected a 60something! the soap we made was damn smelly! but still i got an A2 for science! lala! science modules are stupid and all we do is to slack in class and if we do everything properly we can get an A!
i think projects and everything are quite stupid. if you are in a good group, you will do better! i dont want to do project work anymore!
i am having muscle ache now! super painful and difficult to sit down and walk down the stairs okay.
there is a big problem with my tagboard but i dont feel like fixing it yet. so no tagging.
did not going to school today! and liu lao shi called me! i was still sleeping okay! i had stomach cramp ytd which was very pain! then today was not that bad already then i went to see the doctor and got my mc!
got back all the results already. heard from yanjing i got 9th in class! i havent got top10 before for so long okay! i was rather surprised at my history results! english is a difficult sub to score! i need to read alot alot of books from now on! grace did damn well for english!! i will definitely not take lit next year. i cannot score well for lit! i am satisfied with my results for science cause i expected a 60something! the soap we made was damn smelly! but still i got an A2 for science! lala! science modules are stupid and all we do is to slack in class and if we do everything properly we can get an A!
i think projects and everything are quite stupid. if you are in a good group, you will do better! i dont want to do project work anymore!
i am having muscle ache now! super painful and difficult to sit down and walk down the stairs okay.
there is a big problem with my tagboard but i dont feel like fixing it yet. so no tagging.
7:10 PM
Saturday, October 14
whee! i had so many days of holidays! :D:D on wednesday i stayed at home and finished full house! full house is nice nice!
on thursday! it was karang guni day! because all the sports leader went back to the school to pack the PE store room! the PE store room has many hidden treasures! i even got a badminton racket and a yonex bag to keep my badminton racket! and many other stuff! we were all super tired!
on friday i stayed at home again! to watch gong! yay! gong is nice too! gong is like full house! almost the same okay! but i dont like all the political parts! very boring!i think the brown hair guy look like the 555 power rangers guy! the japanese version. yea so now i am watching gong! have a nice day everyone:D
it's saturday!
on thursday! it was karang guni day! because all the sports leader went back to the school to pack the PE store room! the PE store room has many hidden treasures! i even got a badminton racket and a yonex bag to keep my badminton racket! and many other stuff! we were all super tired!
on friday i stayed at home again! to watch gong! yay! gong is nice too! gong is like full house! almost the same okay! but i dont like all the political parts! very boring!i think the brown hair guy look like the 555 power rangers guy! the japanese version. yea so now i am watching gong! have a nice day everyone:D
it's saturday!
3:46 PM
Saturday, October 7
the haze is super serious! its damn foggy! and when you breathe in the air and you breathe out hard, its some weird smell or i dont know what! how can we remove the haze right now! HAZE HAZE GO AWAY!
10:34 PM

Good luck for your exams!! :D:D have a nice nice birthday today!
the haze is getting very horrible! !!!
EOYS! 2 more papers!
11:16 AM