light it up
Wednesday, August 30
YAY I AM VERY VERY HAPPY! because i got back my camera! but the buttons are still spoilt! but never mind! i can take pictures with it! haha!
there is this nice camera T10 with 7.2mega pixels and all the digital zoom and optical zoom. and its only $599! and its pink in colour. ho yan jing alert***
the first picture after it was repaired:D:D
hurray so my camera is repaired! YAY!

i bought teachers day present for mrs tham, miss seah, mdm yehiddah, mrs cheong, liu lao shi and my tuition teacher.
yay rock on!
there is this nice camera T10 with 7.2mega pixels and all the digital zoom and optical zoom. and its only $599! and its pink in colour. ho yan jing alert***

the first picture after it was repaired:D:D
hurray so my camera is repaired! YAY!

i bought teachers day present for mrs tham, miss seah, mdm yehiddah, mrs cheong, liu lao shi and my tuition teacher.
yay rock on!
8:35 PM
Tuesday, August 29

this picture is classic! :D:D small is nice.

lol. we played a prank on zhenning! with this heart sign!
lynn wipe my chair tmr.
ytd we had netball training. i was sick so i did not train with them. but i stood there and helped them refilled water and looked at them train! i did some of the drills with them too! michelle sprained her ankle but she still can talk and laugh! i think she is a great storyteller!

some stupid story about chimpanzee likes banana. and banana like banana skin! old woman like banana skin cos made it fall. illogical story.

science grp! the waterbottles! juliannnn got a red eye that day.

class picture with mrs tham!
it is her last day teaching us! no more gross stories!
today mrs tham told us the story about her friend who is a diver. his friend is short around titus's height. so he was testing some cage thing. then he dived underwater and while he was repairing, his friend suddenly looked very shocked. with his eyes open wide. he turned then he saw a great white shark. the great white shark opened his mouth and he looked into the shark mouth. the great white shark opened its mouth so big that its the height of mrs tham's friend which is the diver. and the diver is the same height as titus.
and i touched mrs tham stomach! its so hard!

mrs tham! :D:D

i am sure everyone will miss mrs tham!:D:D
mrs tham shall invite us to the full month party of her baby boy. :D:D
7:42 PM
Sunday, August 27
i changed my blogskin!
minwei arent you happy that my blogskin is no longer in pink!
minwei arent you happy that my blogskin is no longer in pink!
12:36 PM
Saturday, August 26
we had training yesterday after a long long break! i think i cannot do what the coach asked me to! and that is very sad! i know what she wants but i cannot do it. and it was the main 12 selections for some carnival.
during training, i kept sneezing. on a sunny afternoon, i can sneeze! plus its during training! now i am using a lot of tissue papers! i just bought tissue papers from watson!
now everyone's blog has a pw! i should have a password soon! thats super cool! and my password will be super long and nobody will be able to remember it. thus everyone who wants to read my blog has to ask from me the password. :D:D this is brilliant!
i am still having flu now. plus cough!

finally she got it right!
during training, i kept sneezing. on a sunny afternoon, i can sneeze! plus its during training! now i am using a lot of tissue papers! i just bought tissue papers from watson!
now everyone's blog has a pw! i should have a password soon! thats super cool! and my password will be super long and nobody will be able to remember it. thus everyone who wants to read my blog has to ask from me the password. :D:D this is brilliant!
i am still having flu now. plus cough!

finally she got it right!
8:59 PM
Thursday, August 24
She will stand out of the crowd on the street. Leo woman normally tall or rather tall. You will hardly see a short thick woman. When she walks she walk like a queen, confident and does not look around, though as if there is no one around her. She will dress in her own style not according to fashion. She is confident of what she choose to wear. Do not buy cheap cloths where they sell in dozen for her as a gift, she will hate it. Also do not buy cloths that do not reflect her confident personality. She likes unique and strange cloths and accessories. Being different is what she loves. If you want to know her, take times and be patient because she is selective about people she mingles with. She's open minded, but yet she is not letting people get to close to her easily. She likes sweet words and compliments, but not too much. She smiles with anyone, but insid e she thinks she is borne to be a leader. She likes to be in control because it is in her nature instinct. She is a graceful woman , and she has a magnetic charisma, so expect tough competition. She is a very proud person, so do not do anything to challenge her confident. She can be mad and act like a hurricane, and later can be like an innocent kitten, but do not fall for her O.K. She remembers everything and likes to cherish her sweet memory, so if you find her old photo albums with her ex-boyfriend or love letters that will make you puke, take it easy. She is keeping her sweet memory does not mean she still in love with the old fool, so you do not have to panic. She will have many guys run after her, so if you have advantage of a good background family, or a famous last name, a successful career then it's a plus. She hates to be poor and she thinks love will not pay bills. She is a sport type and love sports. If you want to date her, prepare to spend big bugs, for your first dinner with her can not be a hot dog stand, but better be the best place in town. She is a generous person, so do not be surprise if she give you a gift more expensive than what you gave her. She likes extravaganza, no cheap gift, no cheap dinner please. Being poor or broke make her depress. If you do not have lots of money, be creative and make your own gift for her. It's unique quality and times spending making it for her is a big deal. You can think economical, but do not be cheap.
i took this from michelle's blog! haha! so if you are a leo like me, you can read this too! or if you want to read more about your horoscope, go to michelle's blog HERE!

today morning, some japenese student came to our school! and to our class! i was super excited and i kept talking to one of them. his name is YUU WA SHA SHA something something. i am not sure! haha! his jap name got 悠 something something! then i tried asking him how old is he. he replied " i am fine". then i told him its not this but your age. then i list down
then i ask him to choose. then he say 10! then he is 10 years old! :D:D he lives in komamoto or something! and i showed him the history textbook which has the emperor of japan! he said he is 将军. 将军 means general but in their language its emperor! then i asked him about cartoons, i mentioned hello kitty, naruto, pokemon! and he was super excited when he heard these names! then i said nissan? suzuki? honda? then he replied" car?" then i said YA YA YA! i think he is damn cute. and he gave me japanese coin!

i gave him 10cent coin! he got cheated! i took a picture with him:D:D i shall post it soon! its with lynn sun and she is not online!
ms chen talk to me today and she told me not to bargain with coaches! and yes i will remember that! although i may be younger than some others, i have to set a good example because i am a senior already!
paul 2hill's mother called hannah today to give her tickets for the results show! however, we cant go because we dont feel like going! and so, we dint go! hannah got lots of homework to complete thus we went to some random coffeeshop and did her homework! mama the xxx. she wrote the same topic as me! mama the EAR! haha! i helped her did some of her homework and she should be grateful!
ytd i went to minwei house and there is a stupid guy doing stupid actions.
there are 3 people. one mother, one baby and one stupid guy. the stupid pretended he had this plane and he threw it down. he let the plane drop down and he ran after to catch it.
* repeat this action for 20 times*
nobody is chasing after him for the plane. haha. he did this to entertain the baby and the baby laughed. i laugh. everyone laughed! haha!
and yes, the tan kim keong( tan ah beng) stopped me and talked to me today! because i was using phone outside the general office. and i was calling my tuition teacher to cancel the tuition! i think i am damn unlucky to get caught by him! anyway, i dont like him. and he asked me for my name and class. and i told him pearl. he said pearl what? full name. then i told him pearl tan hui lin. then he called me hui lin! and said that this is my first warning and the 2nd time, he will confiscate.
next, i was complaining to hannah about this. then i remembered what mrs tham said. if that mr tan ah beng talks to me again. i will tell him to improve on his english and stop talking at the podium(?) until he improve on his english. it is to proceed to your class and not proceed back. you are representing the school when you go up to talk and by speaking in such broken english, you are ruining the reputation of the school. by doing that, the school standard will go down down down. and we cant be autonomous school! and we cant be called clementi town high school! his english is horrible , terrible , incorrigible , vegetable and broken! i shall tell him that the next time! i wonder how will he respond. maybe he will speak to me in chinese, then i shall use all those cheem cheem words and scare him off.
just now the sony guy called me! he told me the charges for repairing and its $399! i told him i dont want to repair and he said that he will clean for me! it wont last for long so i want to buy a new camera soon!
its random for me to do this.
i am tall.
i am a leo.
i have a pink wallet.
i am 14.
i am watching holland v now.
i got netball tmr.
the anthem.
because i live.
ring ring ring.
some random holland v theme song.
best in me
im a believer
zhao mi
bouncy hair
my chimpanzee trainer
watch mo ling ling kick people.
the first 7 people in my links which are. qinxin grace tammy yanjing lynn yingting carmen.
come on! rock on everyone! i havent said rock on for quite a long time! so rock on.
smile like there is no more school tmr.
She will stand out of the crowd on the street. Leo woman normally tall or rather tall. You will hardly see a short thick woman. When she walks she walk like a queen, confident and does not look around, though as if there is no one around her. She will dress in her own style not according to fashion. She is confident of what she choose to wear. Do not buy cheap cloths where they sell in dozen for her as a gift, she will hate it. Also do not buy cloths that do not reflect her confident personality. She likes unique and strange cloths and accessories. Being different is what she loves. If you want to know her, take times and be patient because she is selective about people she mingles with. She's open minded, but yet she is not letting people get to close to her easily. She likes sweet words and compliments, but not too much. She smiles with anyone, but insid e she thinks she is borne to be a leader. She likes to be in control because it is in her nature instinct. She is a graceful woman , and she has a magnetic charisma, so expect tough competition. She is a very proud person, so do not do anything to challenge her confident. She can be mad and act like a hurricane, and later can be like an innocent kitten, but do not fall for her O.K. She remembers everything and likes to cherish her sweet memory, so if you find her old photo albums with her ex-boyfriend or love letters that will make you puke, take it easy. She is keeping her sweet memory does not mean she still in love with the old fool, so you do not have to panic. She will have many guys run after her, so if you have advantage of a good background family, or a famous last name, a successful career then it's a plus. She hates to be poor and she thinks love will not pay bills. She is a sport type and love sports. If you want to date her, prepare to spend big bugs, for your first dinner with her can not be a hot dog stand, but better be the best place in town. She is a generous person, so do not be surprise if she give you a gift more expensive than what you gave her. She likes extravaganza, no cheap gift, no cheap dinner please. Being poor or broke make her depress. If you do not have lots of money, be creative and make your own gift for her. It's unique quality and times spending making it for her is a big deal. You can think economical, but do not be cheap.
i took this from michelle's blog! haha! so if you are a leo like me, you can read this too! or if you want to read more about your horoscope, go to michelle's blog HERE!

today morning, some japenese student came to our school! and to our class! i was super excited and i kept talking to one of them. his name is YUU WA SHA SHA something something. i am not sure! haha! his jap name got 悠 something something! then i tried asking him how old is he. he replied " i am fine". then i told him its not this but your age. then i list down
then i ask him to choose. then he say 10! then he is 10 years old! :D:D he lives in komamoto or something! and i showed him the history textbook which has the emperor of japan! he said he is 将军. 将军 means general but in their language its emperor! then i asked him about cartoons, i mentioned hello kitty, naruto, pokemon! and he was super excited when he heard these names! then i said nissan? suzuki? honda? then he replied" car?" then i said YA YA YA! i think he is damn cute. and he gave me japanese coin!

i gave him 10cent coin! he got cheated! i took a picture with him:D:D i shall post it soon! its with lynn sun and she is not online!
ms chen talk to me today and she told me not to bargain with coaches! and yes i will remember that! although i may be younger than some others, i have to set a good example because i am a senior already!
paul 2hill's mother called hannah today to give her tickets for the results show! however, we cant go because we dont feel like going! and so, we dint go! hannah got lots of homework to complete thus we went to some random coffeeshop and did her homework! mama the xxx. she wrote the same topic as me! mama the EAR! haha! i helped her did some of her homework and she should be grateful!
ytd i went to minwei house and there is a stupid guy doing stupid actions.
there are 3 people. one mother, one baby and one stupid guy. the stupid pretended he had this plane and he threw it down. he let the plane drop down and he ran after to catch it.
* repeat this action for 20 times*
nobody is chasing after him for the plane. haha. he did this to entertain the baby and the baby laughed. i laugh. everyone laughed! haha!
and yes, the tan kim keong( tan ah beng) stopped me and talked to me today! because i was using phone outside the general office. and i was calling my tuition teacher to cancel the tuition! i think i am damn unlucky to get caught by him! anyway, i dont like him. and he asked me for my name and class. and i told him pearl. he said pearl what? full name. then i told him pearl tan hui lin. then he called me hui lin! and said that this is my first warning and the 2nd time, he will confiscate.
next, i was complaining to hannah about this. then i remembered what mrs tham said. if that mr tan ah beng talks to me again. i will tell him to improve on his english and stop talking at the podium(?) until he improve on his english. it is to proceed to your class and not proceed back. you are representing the school when you go up to talk and by speaking in such broken english, you are ruining the reputation of the school. by doing that, the school standard will go down down down. and we cant be autonomous school! and we cant be called clementi town high school! his english is horrible , terrible , incorrigible , vegetable and broken! i shall tell him that the next time! i wonder how will he respond. maybe he will speak to me in chinese, then i shall use all those cheem cheem words and scare him off.
just now the sony guy called me! he told me the charges for repairing and its $399! i told him i dont want to repair and he said that he will clean for me! it wont last for long so i want to buy a new camera soon!
its random for me to do this.
i am tall.
i am a leo.
i have a pink wallet.
i am 14.
i am watching holland v now.
i got netball tmr.
the anthem.
because i live.
ring ring ring.
some random holland v theme song.
best in me
im a believer
zhao mi
bouncy hair
my chimpanzee trainer
watch mo ling ling kick people.
the first 7 people in my links which are. qinxin grace tammy yanjing lynn yingting carmen.
come on! rock on everyone! i havent said rock on for quite a long time! so rock on.
smile like there is no more school tmr.
5:46 PM
Tuesday, August 22
yay i completed what i am supposed to do for maths! hurray! i got a sense of acheivement! because i took many hours to finish that maths thing! i think its wrong somehow for the calculations part!
i think yingting and tammy are so cool! they taught me a foolproof way of getting a C for inclined pull ups! i think yingting is cooler because she went with me to do my inclined pull up and she encouraged me! :D:D yay! and together we got C for inclinded pull ups! hurray!
i am going to sleep soon! haha
JaskitaSama: Paul Twohill's just a boy. I've seen cuter emos than him anyway...
JaskitaSama: You know you're like totally Ah lian? Paul's singing chinese song FYI, and he's NOT GOTHIC. He's an emo, get it?
yay so Paul Twohill is a boy and you have seen cuter emos than him. GREAT! you know many cute emos! ROCK ON.
next "you're totally Ah Lian"! Who is Ah Lian? i dont know.
i know that he is singing chinese songs but he is not chinese right... and i did not say he is gothic. anyway who are you JaskitaSama? do i know you? lalala!
i am talking to elenstrange! the anonymous greece girl who added minwei! haha! yay bye!
i think yingting and tammy are so cool! they taught me a foolproof way of getting a C for inclined pull ups! i think yingting is cooler because she went with me to do my inclined pull up and she encouraged me! :D:D yay! and together we got C for inclinded pull ups! hurray!
i am going to sleep soon! haha
JaskitaSama: Paul Twohill's just a boy. I've seen cuter emos than him anyway...
JaskitaSama: You know you're like totally Ah lian? Paul's singing chinese song FYI, and he's NOT GOTHIC. He's an emo, get it?
yay so Paul Twohill is a boy and you have seen cuter emos than him. GREAT! you know many cute emos! ROCK ON.
next "you're totally Ah Lian"! Who is Ah Lian? i dont know.
i know that he is singing chinese songs but he is not chinese right... and i did not say he is gothic. anyway who are you JaskitaSama? do i know you? lalala!
i am talking to elenstrange! the anonymous greece girl who added minwei! haha! yay bye!
8:32 PM
Monday, August 21
hello! i am in the computer lab now i am super hungry! i just watched the chinese dance perform and i think their bodies are super flexible! OMG! haha! they can bend here and there. haaha. :D:D yingting body can turn here and there. haha. and their warm ups are cute.
and that lynn is crazy. she is listening to im a believer like crazy. and she only sings the part im a believer. i bet this is the only part she knows how to sing. and she saw this post and she said whatever. haha.

i am a believer classic parts!
the screaming and the woman.
whenever lynn sees this, she will laugh. stupid lah.
lalaala the anthem is so much a cooler song than im a believer. AND THEN I SAW HER FACE.
:D:D yay i am about to finish the journal. :D:D
i am going to have a band. and our band is called stinky feets. i guess so! hannah is part of our band. then that stupid lynn said that hannah wearing yellow suit because she is banana. i wear my big bird suit. then yellow yellow dirty fellow.the
and that lynn is crazy. she is listening to im a believer like crazy. and she only sings the part im a believer. i bet this is the only part she knows how to sing. and she saw this post and she said whatever. haha.

i am a believer classic parts!
the screaming and the woman.
whenever lynn sees this, she will laugh. stupid lah.
lalaala the anthem is so much a cooler song than im a believer. AND THEN I SAW HER FACE.
:D:D yay i am about to finish the journal. :D:D
i am going to have a band. and our band is called stinky feets. i guess so! hannah is part of our band. then that stupid lynn said that hannah wearing yellow suit because she is banana. i wear my big bird suit. then yellow yellow dirty fellow.the
4:39 PM
Sunday, August 20

singapore idol theme next week is to sing according to their race. so if you are chinese , you sing chinese songs. then malay, malay songs. indian, tamil songs. okay now my point is, what is paul and joakim going to sing. maybe joakim sing korean songs and tamil. then paul sing what. so stupid. plus this is an english programme. then they sing their mother tongue songs. so rubbish!
Don't wanna be just like you
What I'm sayin' is
This is the anthem
Throw all your hands up
Y'all got to feel me, sing if you're with me
there is no tuiton today! because my teacher sprained her ankle! lol! i hope i will never have to sprain my ankle because its damn pain and yes i know that.
okay hannah is a nice girl and she sing songs which are nice which she ruin it totally. oh boy oh my. she sang off key and she was screaming all the way.

4:46 PM
Friday, August 18
hello! we had friendly against jurong jc again! JJ JJ! lalala!
after the friendly with JJ, carmen and i stayed there awhile to chit chat! because we were waiting for carmen's father to fetch us! then we went to the firefly place we saw earlier when they were buying ice cream. we went in there and we played maple! the old maple days! so retarded! killing of monsters! haha! and you get money then you level up! i realised that i forgot a lot of the keys to press on for maple!
i think that saying "your head" is very stupid and dumb! your head la! what my head. your pi gu la. haha! heard that lynn i dont like your head! your backside! haha!
and i think that -.- is very very dumb too! like you got no mouth! and look like you are not interested in anything that person is talking about! then that person will stop talking and the conversation will just stop there.
* end of story*
history test's duration is totally wrong wrong wrong! there is not enough time! when mdm yehiddah said left a few more minutes i was still doing very slowly , very relaxed! then suddenly mdm yehiddah told us that we were supposed to finish our last sentence then i CHEONG! i thought mdm yehiddah will give extra time because its sure not enough time. fortunately , i managed to finish paper! with the last answer WRONG!
i forgot what are we supposed to do for homework! i know there is a lot of homework to do but i dont know what to do! i shall wrap hannah's present now!
after the friendly with JJ, carmen and i stayed there awhile to chit chat! because we were waiting for carmen's father to fetch us! then we went to the firefly place we saw earlier when they were buying ice cream. we went in there and we played maple! the old maple days! so retarded! killing of monsters! haha! and you get money then you level up! i realised that i forgot a lot of the keys to press on for maple!
i think that saying "your head" is very stupid and dumb! your head la! what my head. your pi gu la. haha! heard that lynn i dont like your head! your backside! haha!
and i think that -.- is very very dumb too! like you got no mouth! and look like you are not interested in anything that person is talking about! then that person will stop talking and the conversation will just stop there.
* end of story*
history test's duration is totally wrong wrong wrong! there is not enough time! when mdm yehiddah said left a few more minutes i was still doing very slowly , very relaxed! then suddenly mdm yehiddah told us that we were supposed to finish our last sentence then i CHEONG! i thought mdm yehiddah will give extra time because its sure not enough time. fortunately , i managed to finish paper! with the last answer WRONG!
i forgot what are we supposed to do for homework! i know there is a lot of homework to do but i dont know what to do! i shall wrap hannah's present now!
9:19 PM
Thursday, August 17
hihi! everything is so ridiculous today! anyway, today netball game is not fun. yesterday's one too! everyone should be playing in a happier manner but we have to be serious too!
anyway, i bought shafina's present! and its a power ranger mask! i dont care if she sees this! but i think the power ranger mask is cute! haha! i did not take any picture!
i should be studying for history now! but nvm, i just completed the assesment! the assesment has no source based question! i think i am going to fail history tomorrow! i have to memorise all the dates...
and i bought stationery! i am supposed to buy the size of A4 foolscape! then i bought F4 foolscape which is super long! i dont care! i am still going to use it because i am not going to waste paper! lalala!
today science lesson was so fun! because we played childhood games! it began with the chopstick game! then evolved to vampire! then lynn and i was caught! but i want to play! so i keep telling them to play games! so we played heart attack , hamburger, 接龙. all the stupid games. and the macaroni. only i sang. minwei keep bom bom bom! haha! 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 PIAK! minwei brain malfunction! she takes super long to think! and i kept sa bo ing lynn with her 人。 and i think that was the only time qinxin was happy! everyday i talk to her she like not happy with me! so i dont like that!!! HEARD THAT!!!
i think hannah and i got stupid dreams!
anyway, i bought shafina's present! and its a power ranger mask! i dont care if she sees this! but i think the power ranger mask is cute! haha! i did not take any picture!
i should be studying for history now! but nvm, i just completed the assesment! the assesment has no source based question! i think i am going to fail history tomorrow! i have to memorise all the dates...
and i bought stationery! i am supposed to buy the size of A4 foolscape! then i bought F4 foolscape which is super long! i dont care! i am still going to use it because i am not going to waste paper! lalala!
today science lesson was so fun! because we played childhood games! it began with the chopstick game! then evolved to vampire! then lynn and i was caught! but i want to play! so i keep telling them to play games! so we played heart attack , hamburger, 接龙. all the stupid games. and the macaroni. only i sang. minwei keep bom bom bom! haha! 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 PIAK! minwei brain malfunction! she takes super long to think! and i kept sa bo ing lynn with her 人。 and i think that was the only time qinxin was happy! everyday i talk to her she like not happy with me! so i dont like that!!! HEARD THAT!!!
i think hannah and i got stupid dreams!
7:52 PM
Monday, August 14
When was Hannah born?
Here is what I know about Hannah:
Hannah, in the Old Testament, the wife of Elkanah and the mother of the prophet Samuel. Childless, Hannah came to the sanctuary in Shiloh to pray...
I can't show you the results since you don't have the Encarta application open. Type "Invite me" to open it.
When was Pearl born?
Here is what I know about Pearl (gem):
Pearl (gem), lustrous concretion produced by certain bivalve mollusks (Mollusk) and valued as a gem. Pearls consist almost entirely of nacre, which...
I can't show you the results since you don't have the Encarta application open. Type "Invite me" to open it.
i think i rock! cos i think i do! yay! i am in hannah house! we are having a mini celebration and we bought a cake each! because i promise her 14 presents on her birthday!

We are eating branded cookies!! Its call chips more! IM A ROCKER! YEA MAN!! ROCK ON!
Here is what I know about Hannah:
Hannah, in the Old Testament, the wife of Elkanah and the mother of the prophet Samuel. Childless, Hannah came to the sanctuary in Shiloh to pray...
I can't show you the results since you don't have the Encarta application open. Type "Invite me" to open it.
When was Pearl born?
Here is what I know about Pearl (gem):
Pearl (gem), lustrous concretion produced by certain bivalve mollusks (Mollusk) and valued as a gem. Pearls consist almost entirely of nacre, which...
I can't show you the results since you don't have the Encarta application open. Type "Invite me" to open it.
i think i rock! cos i think i do! yay! i am in hannah house! we are having a mini celebration and we bought a cake each! because i promise her 14 presents on her birthday!

We are eating branded cookies!! Its call chips more! IM A ROCKER! YEA MAN!! ROCK ON!

2:52 PM
Sunday, August 13

Singapore Idol

tickets to the recording:D

when we were on the car:D

and we reached there! getting ready to go in the studio!


after the whole thing! in front of the stage.

with paul twohill's parents! HAHAHA!

with primero and siew woon!
it is my birthday celebration!
during morning assembly, i told minwei that its my birthday celebration today right! then i was LALALA all these crap to her! then she said there is no celebration for sec2s. because we are the ones hosting the celebration what for we celebrate for ourselves. then i thought and agreed with her. so i did not expect any celebration at all!
then later, after the games we played against team2. i was feeling very bored and everything. and that minwei kept repeating that i played very badly because i did not put in all the shots! i was quite affected by it! and i kept quiet. when they say they are having team talk and asked me to sit up straight and not lie down. minwei continued saying that i played very badly.
i really did not expect this!:D THANKS:D! haha!
and sharon bought drinks for us! i was thinking sharon got a lot of money to spend because sharon is always buying drinks for us:D THANKS:D

sway to one side!

i think lynn is very retarded!

lynn grow up! we are taking a photo! and here you are doing something stupid! HAHA! SORRY LYNN!

yay we are cool!


its my BIRTHDAY!


hannah the photographer! finally she got a chance to take a pic! she is afraid that the screen will crack!

michelle! my chimpanzee trainer! SHE ACT CUTE LA! haha

rock on!GOAL 4

PRESENTS! HAHA! my waterbottle and WO YAO POO POO!

cheu ping rocks! cos i stepped on her shoe so many times! and i hurt her so many times! so she rocks! :D cheu ping JIA YOU OKAY!

:D:D i think i look very retarded. and all of us are WET!

MISS CHEN & I! rock on!

MR NG! and his car behind us! ROCK ON! mr ng knows that its my birthday! and i told him to rock on!

security! GUARD HOUSE. beware
anyway, during the game, i played centre! and i intercepted a lot of balls! yay! and i like that feeling! because intercepting balls are good! the ball comes to you! that is great!

michelle! and her pervertic smile.

and out of a sudden, a naked man spotted!

michelle where are you!!!
michelle likes orange and white boxers.
*end of story*
its my birthday today! i am 14!
6:37 PM