back to yuen, as usual he sucks. 2c1's hate him too:) i am so glad! they were complaining to me about him. some crazy fellow he is. i think he is damn saddistic. and seeks pleasure in scolding people. and he has got a fetish to ask people to stand. what are chairs for if you ask them to stand. go to kahyan's blog. i think she is busy blogging now to scold yuen. may he be strike by lightning and just die. he has got a larger surface area to kenna hit by the lightning. and no yuen , you cant sue me for writing about you cos you have got no concrete evidence i am writing about you. i did not state your name here. unless you admit you want to be struck by lightning. soon we can just set up a ANTI YUEN FC. i am certain many will agree to join.
we had 3 periods of maths today. the first period i nearly fell asleep and was asked to wake up by mrs cheong who went :' PEARLLLL" with many L's to make it sound like '"Purrrr". then there was toilet break and after that we continued with our 2nd period of maths. i felt at least a bit more energized. and mrs cheong was telling us about her business plan. to quit her job as a teacher and be a tutor. i agree totally with her and she should just do it. she can earn like 3x more. thats A LOT. then then then there was this peer tutor session at the 3rd period where only tutors and the students are required to stay back. this session is better and i think i am getting stupider. my algebra is getting bad-er. found out that i cant do some of the questions where i used to be able to. qinxin is like better than me. and i was having a huge headache and my head is spinning and i want to sleep.
then then then we played soccer. with some sec3s and banna and arifa and lynn. soccer is damn tough. i dont know if thats called soccer or what. you play on the land where there is no grass. and kick the ball into the goalpost. anyway my main point is soccer you are not able to use your hands and i cannot live without using my hands. thus when i am supposed to kick the ball, i picked the ball up with my hands and threw it. haha. but its not counted:( and soccer helped me to destress. and our team won! yay!
i crapped around with banana at habourfront and walked around. we even went into the internet cafe and sat there just to watch "first touch". we did not order anything and the staff were damn nice not to chase us away. visit the internet cafe! the ambience is good:) and the scenery is nice. there is the sea there and there are ships. then there is this ship named" penguin 10" and like "batam fast" and since it is called internet cafe, there will be computers and you will be able to use the internet. however, everything is damn ex there! one ice lemon tea is made of gold i tell you.TWO DOLLARS! we did not spend a single cent there. the staff are nice. i told you so. everything is so nice there. the cushion is comfortable too.
then we went to the not so nice stationery shop and the stupid woman said that we are not allowed to sit there. bad woman. we were reading some ghost story book then she came to chase us away. the ghost story book is crap. they said there is one type of ghost which is like your relatives coming to visit you. fear factor : 1/10. why: because you may not even know there is a ghost near you.
we went to the sports shop and saw many sports bra. and many colours. this reminded me that i dont have any colourful sports bra. then then then stupid banana went to play with the deodorant and she sprayed at me and accidentally spray into my mouth. for your information, it taste bitter after being mixed with my saliva which contains salivary amylase. if my memory does not fail me, bitter = alkali? or is it acid?
i conclude that today is a very very very very (insert as many very as you want) unproductivce day. and along the way we were touching stuff here and there and we saw soleha's friend:):) she was the first person i hug after we won the nanhua game:)
home econs damn funny today. that jenny read the recipe book then the recipe book say that must leave the thing cook cook cook until you die also can turn off the fire then after that all of us kept asking " JENNY CAN OFF THE FIRE ALREADY NOT?!??!?!" All Jenny did was , "DONT NEED DONT NEED WAIT WAIT" and when she finally off-ed the fire, she took out the chicken and mango. the mango shrunk to became so small and the chicken is so damn cooked. then we ask jenny her purpose in doing this, she said " i wanted a barbeque feeling." what crap is this.
qinxin of course i am paying attention not like you okay. i dont talk to samuel AT ALL during maths lessons. i listen and i like pallelograms and trapezium.damn easy:)
lol. i forgot that i have tuition today. my mother still say must take out one board then i say tomorrow then take out la. today is monday what... then she say NO NO NO ITS TUESDAY. LOL!!
tuesday means i have tuition.
shall blog later while watching da chang jin.
stay tuned for for the next episode.
91709586 is no longer effective since last thursday.
stop smsing / calling that number. i have got a new line:) and i have got free incoming all day long. i am still pretty excited about that.

click to enlarge
i like this picture because i had this chewing gum in my mouth for hours.
credits to : hannah.
and qinxin does not have any chewing gum in her mouth. its just her tongue.
i shall post the same thing as qinxin. i dont think i had talked about changing seats in any of my posts yet.
qinxin is no longer sitting with me:(how sad. she is sitting with sister zhao. at least sister zhao is better than samuel:( sister zhao has his light sabre while samuel has nothing. and he does not bother to entertain me. :(:(:( samuel talks in a language that i do not understand much. and he scolded weiyang jackass. i heard this term for the first time. JACKASS.
(we seperated sister zhao and samuel. and samuel and sister zhao seperated qinxin and me. how sad)
qinxin and i have been together since sec1 feb or even before that . before feb14 i am sure. when the horrible valent tube incident happened.
we have finished cooking and qinxin and grace just went down to buy eggs. there are a lot of ants in jenny house and i cant wait to kill them all. omgomgomg! if there are ants in your house,

the ants are still there and here i am blogging away.
kill the ants now now now!
and i am very sad that i have not got my phone yet.
and my new seating partner samuel is such a boring person. he speaks in a language that i dont understand at all.
i was late for school today. i ran and ran and ran to school till i was so tired that i decided to stop running.
at 2nd period, i caused hannah's chicken to get confiscated.
at the 3rd period which is RECESS! i caused shafinah's phone to get confiscated.
the 3rd period matter is linked to the 2nd period matter because i wanted to use shafinah's phone to sms hannah to tell her sorry and ask her to come for TAF now.
that dumb teacher want us to draw him a picture of aeroplane and a girl( F CUP CHIOBU) to get back shafinah's handphone. poor shafinah.
i think i am such a jinx today.
and i am such a sad girl that i took neoprints 4 times in a row. in order to vent my frustration. now my piggybank is definitely quite empty now. i think it must miss its friends which are the money i am going to hand over to yanjing soon.
SORRY BANANA AND SHAFINAH. notice their names has a NA in it. i think i am a NA curser.
你要我买电话给你,等久 ."
i got a very ingenious plan of her buying for me a new phone.
and the plan goes...
i shall go to school early in the morning. come back super duper late. maybe about 6- 7 plus. then if she want to contact me, she would not be able to. i am going to ask yanjing not to pick up any calls dialled by my mother. lets see how is she able to keep in contact with me. this process will continue for 1 month. lets see how long she can take it. and when she finally cant, she will finally relent to buy for me a new phone. by then, i shall make use of this opportunity to buy the ex-est phone in that shop. i am going to get a 3G phone or Imode. i dont care. the sooner you relent, the less ex the phone will get. MUHAHAHAHAS.
and my mother is horrible. she hogs on the phone all day long and gossips on the phone. its not me who is using the phone but her. omg. she is getting from bad to worse. from worse to worst. haha.

anyway if you want the lyrics, its here.
i was crapping with yanjing and i boast to her about sth.
and she said:"
and i replied:"
我吹cow 吹的好爽,现在开始吹 goat"

i got 5 tixs out of this machine. my hands are long enough to reach the triple score thing in the machine. but stupid ball din want to roll inside. stupid ball.
and now i think sleeping is the best habit. i have been sleeping non stop after i came home from the chalet. when i reached home from the chalet, i just fell asleep immediately after on-ing the laptop. then at night, i had no difficulties sleeping too. just that i thought about the ghost story mingge said about the back to back best friend ghost thing. its eerie to have a ghost friend sleeping underneath you. then today , i was rubbing my eyes cos it was itchy then next i fell asleep so easily! I LOVE SLEEPING! because you get to dream all those wonderful and stupid dreams then you will not think of it if you are awake. or maybe if you are building sand castles in the air you will.
i shall blog about the chalet. but since everyone has blogged about it, i shall just do the same.
i met yanjing at her grandma hse after her maths olympiad.
we cabbed there. thus losing my phone on the cab.
we reached there. the bill was $17.20 + a phone.
we tried in vain to find the chalet until tricia our saviour called yanjing.
we reached there.
we were asked to wash our legs before stepping on the bed.
we played water bomb.
there were two teams each. i had fun splashing all of them.
the tap was spoilt due to our stepping of the control. tap repaired later on.
had bbq.
spotted serena and michelle and many other fellow seniors.
bbq was crap.
smoke released into the air causes air pollution but we get to eat nice food.
grew tired of the bbq and went into the room to talk to dan dan.
soon many followed suit and went into the room not to talk to dandan but to watch dream chasers. ( quan mei was like screaming: "start le start le!!!!!" for dont know how many times)
then after that was xing shan shan.
yanjing and i bathed tgt.
yanjing cut queue.
we took a lot of time in the bathroom talking to one another and taking our own sweet time to bathe and until finally hwee chin got the chance to enter the bathroom. we even washed the toilet for them seeing how dirty it is.
we came out.
xing shan shan ended.
da chang jin started.
miss seah was so excited about da chang jin that she kept telling me that she took one of the woman in the show as her inspiration as a teacher. i think its lady han.
then we started taking class photo. everyone was stepping on the bed of the supposed to be girls room.
we took alot of times before agreeing on to the picture.
when they were showing da chang jin, next room had amazing race. i was looking at miss seah marking the science test paper. qinxin is clever.
then miss seah left, we went to the other room.
they were playing zhong ji mi ma and kissing each other. i was looking at them kiss for so long.
then yanjing and i went out to cheers at about 12am. we went to buy noodles and sweets. we sat outside the bbq for quite some time before we were chased by zhenning to get into the room as we are not supposed to be out.
then we started watching yu le bai fen bai.
next it was ghost story telling session. there were so many ghost stories and some jokes about them. i think qinxin's story is the scariest. about the long hair woman sweeping the hair onto the nose. scary scary~ and do you know that qing ye played the die xian before. it will shorten your life for 3 years. so dont play.
then finally the story telling session ended. there was this show called home affairs. tay ping hui hair was damn short and curly at that time. xiang yun's hair was spiky! and the most classic line of hers was: " I WANT BACK MY CECILIA!"
after that, qinxin, grace, yvonne, yongliang, qingye, mingge, jierun, nicholas slept.
and so much for qinxin and jierun not wanting to sleep.
( and ya. qinxin is cute. cos before that the other room ppl kept coming to our room to scold us saying we were making too much noise. then when we finally stopped making noise, they were. so we scolded them and the rule about boys and girls one room no one cared. zhenning and tricia were sleeping side to side. grace and mingge were sleeping side to side too.)
tammy, yingting, yanjing and i continued playing bridge! tammy and i finally kai qiao. :):) i know how to play bridge!
then tammy slept.
yingting, yanjing and i went to watch sunrise. but we failed to. we were too hungry and impatient to watch the sunrise.
we headed to macdonalds. to eat.
then we went back to sleep. at arnd 7 plus.
they made so much noise that i woke up at 8 plus. and they were watching sesame street. haha.
then we played truth or dare.
after that we finally went home. we were given a potato each and i dont know where is my potato now. i did not eat it. neither did i throw it away.
in the taxi when going to the chalet.
have a nice day. i will be back online on tuesday/ wednesday. or not at all. yay.
and and and i finally got the coke in my fridge! yay. there is finally soft drinks inside. its very boring drinking plain water everyday. so now i have coke. like finally! and i am off to my grandmother's house soon! then i can play with my cousins:) yay.
and one last thing is , i wont be that bored staying at home staying online and nobody blogs about anything. i will be at my grandmother house! i want to go there now now now. staying at home is borrrrinnnngggggg!
its evening now and miss seah has not post anything on the forum. at least i think so. i have not check it yet.
i think i am only talking to myself. and thus i shall end here. goodbye. i will be back on i dont know when. maybe tuesday or wednesday. maybe i will be back with lots of pictures. maybe not. i do not even have a camera now. :(
yay. i got no present for you. haha. but i sing for you birthday song is considered very nice! so HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
we went to swim and went to slide down this tall tall slide. and went to bowl too.

this are the bowling balls you need if you want to bowl. and i used the yellow one. the yellow one is the lightest among all.

these are shoes you need if you want to be allowed to the bowling alley. you have to rent these shoes for $yiyuan. haha. one dollar$$.
and you see zhenGning's blog, there is this poll where they said renfred is the fakest! yes i agree! renfred is the fakest!
well we got back our report book today. qinxin grades are better than me. she got 4a1's while i only got 2a1's. but at least i got 3 a2's which means 5 distinction. but i have got art and geography to pull me down. i got C5 for geography which is like very lousy. I did not really concentrate on the paper as you know on that day was the day Shawn had a match with some school then i was super sad i was unable to watch thus i did not do last minute revision. then the C6 for art is somewhat expected la. cos i dont bother finishing my work before handing up to mr tan. so ya i deserve the c6.
then today we went to watch the finals of the b div. could not rush in time for the match for the c div. the match for mgs against commonwealth was actually quite boring because the gap between the both school were really big. and in the end the score was actually 44:10. i mean they really trashed the other school. i like mgs's centre. she is like so good. she intercepted dont know how many balls and they go for every ball not like commonwealth. and mgs get almost all their rebound. SO COOL!
you know he came to relief mrs tham for english period. and then i was lazing around because i had no inspiration for the english assignment. so naturally when you have no inspiration on what to write about, you definitely will not write anything out as all those will be crap and i am sure you will not submit crap to a teacher like Mrs Tham. Thus, I was definitely thinking for inspirations. and then this mr y came up to me and asked me for my paper when the bell have not gone yet. It was way early before bell ring. its like 20 mins earlier and he actually asked for my paper. i am sure about the time because i glanced at my watch before that mr y came to confront me. he demanded for my paper. as reluctantly as i was, i gave him that sheet of uncompleted piece of work.
then i was motivated to finish that piece of assignment and thus i rushed to do it. then i called him here to collect from him the assignment. and guess what he said, he said i had handed up that piece of work. and i told him:'I HANDED UP TO YOU UNWILLINGLY." ( what kind of crap is this. dont want to accept completed worksheet, instead ask of uncompleted one. tell me is this an attitude of a teacher) then then then, he said:" but you were sleeping and talking."( for goodness sake, who can sleep on those hard hard rectangular table. i had never ever tried successfully to sleep on those table. and when i sleep, i definitely need a bolster. do you see any invisible bolster lying around. or do you think i am as dumb as you to bring a bolster around to sleep in class. and do you think i can predict that mrs tham is not coming today?) then i replied:" i was looking for inspiration" and that mr y actually said:" this was the lamest excuse he had ever heard." ( fine this is the lamest excuse you had ever heard. blame it on your lousy knowledge. blame it on that your experience in teaching is definitely so much worse than all the others teachers. thats such a sad thing that you had not come across excuses that are lamer than this. but whats the big deal about lame stuff. dont tell you you had never told a lame joke to your friends before. maybe you do not even have friends to speak to) well whatever and i just kept quiet because i felt there is no need to bicker with him and i did not had the guts to do so anyway.
the end. stupid mr y. and that mr y actually went to punish ying ting too.
for what: for throwing something into the bin.
what crap is this again. throw sth into the bin. then she kanna punished. then some more must face the noticeboard. now people will definitely think that throwing sth into the bin is wrong and you will get punished. this concept is definitely drilled into the mind of 2d1 students and sooner or later you will see heaps of rubbish on the floor. thanks to mr y. you know you have to get punished by throwing some litter into the dustbin. all those cleanliness award. dont need to give anymore. mr y will punish you for doing your part for the class you know. think of the humilation ying ting got when she got punished.
yes yes yes. mr -y/ nenepok y is some effeminate male as according to yvonne. effeminate i doubt you know what it means. maybe its too high class for you. check the dictionary if you must.
happy birthday to you.
you are hundred and two.
you are still wearing diapers.
how shameful are you.
bye bye amy. you will be missed. lol. she is leaving for canada. then shawn going canada on may. i guess. so amy may be able to see shawn in canada. i know thats so cool!
anyway since i am in a good mood today, i shall post all the pictures taken from long long time ago till now.

hairband suitable for age: 2-6

unknown identity
on our way to queensway. then i thought something of mine had dropped, then i tried to find that thing. but in the end i took a picture of the shoes of people.

moo ice cream. cheap. 80cents!

at thai express
i was sick( having fever) then the degrees only 37.8 degrees celcius. anyway, then i drank a can of soya bean! haha!

found this when lynn, yingting and i went to help yanjing take her school shoes. bad bad teeth. do not smoke. or else, you will have dirty disgusting teeth like these.

we are the nerdies among the nerdies the nerdiest among the nerdiest. i tell you we sure win for the nerdy award!

'oh yanijng nearly got kidnapped today. she she she she she went out to see the dentist and met some indian people. ya lah jiu jiang ta yao kidnap la. then i was so excited and called her to ask her what really happened and in the end she told me she was just joking. no la must write the reason why you think. at first i must explain i cant contact her at all and she is not online. ya lah. about the ya lah then i cannot contact her at all and zhe4xie1.ya la. you write that already ar. then i like so chey la. er ru guo she zhen de shi pei kidnap, wo jiu ke lian na xie kidnapper. furthermore you can elaborate la. er no more la.' - above reported by pearl( the super li hai reporter) according to the speech of yanjing. i am typing on whatever she says.

and and its one year 3 days anniversary! time flies. one year ago i started this blog. and it was cha ren who helped you create:) yay yay! one year has past. actually one year three days.

something wrong happened to friendster! anyway they wrote there 636 posts if you cant see the picture. i know its way too small to be seen. okay. i shall show all of you how much the netballers have grown.
and there is training on friday with seniors. SENIORS! B DIV SENIORS!
and yes yes yes i am a peer tutor:):)! peer tutor you know! that means can tutor others. i was super duper shocked when i got selected! and do you all know that super rhymes with duper!
and yes yes, i am going to tutor lynn. lynn is going to die in my hands. may she not fail her next common test and get the first in class! higher than dan dan due to my very very good teaching! i am a great tutor! i shall let lynn's results to prove it! AND STUPID QINXIN NEVER CHOOSE ME TO BE HER PEER TUTOR. when mrs cheong was talking about the peer tutor, qinxin was like " tammy i want you" then tammy also cannot hear what qinxin is saying about. whatever. anyway i got a brilliant student lynn. and i got 25/35 for maths. i think i just enough for an A2. merry christmas:) and overall i think i got 72 which is also an A2. nvm. i think i am destined for A2. its still a DISTINCTION. and i got 79/100 for english which is like the 2nd in class. you know the first in class got 80/100. and i had to round down for my marks. cos i got like 79.123456789. so ya. i had to round down.
and i am going to blog about what comes into my mind so there will be no scequence.
and omg. i cant post the pictures. its irritating.
and zhenning fell during PE.when we were playing street bandy. he rolled on the floor and even bounced and rolled again. like a ball.

and nerice, sorry to disappoint you. i dont like geraldine. maybe if she wear something nice, i will like her again.
and we went old folks home on tuesday where arifa and carmen joined us. the main 6 were there:) then we sang songs for the old folks. we sang yue liang dai biao wo de xin 4 times!!!!! i did not really talk much to the old folks. i wanted to but i dont know what to tell them. then we served them food until there is not enough biscuits. no more biscuits!
and yesterday, yanjing brought her camera to sch. then we took alot of pictures of the 4 gossipers. they are the 4gossipers of the century!
10% luck 20% percent skill 15%perent concentrated power of will
miss angela tan went to their concert yesterday! i did not know that their concert was yesterday but i know that carmen complained to me that they dont know how to hold their concert during march holidays. then carmen cannot watch their boo.
and i hope i pass geog. i cannot afford to fail. cos the previous test i only got 11/20. i bet i am one of the lowest in class but nvm.
i am sleeping in half an hour time.
or should i not sleep. there is this dream chaser show at 8.30pm by superstars!
okay i did not watch that show and i did not fulfil my promise to sleep at 8.30pm cos i am still online but but but i am definitely going to sleep soon.
and yes about pink panther. the screen is damn damn (U)small(/U). lido classic is very very lousy. if you know that you are going into lido classic to watch, request for the front rows seats. normally you will think that the higher the better. but for this its NO! the lower the better. and yes the projector can move one you know. and i think there is a person controlling. or maybe its a ghost or the projector can move on its own. pink panther is such a dumb show. but its definitely funny.
and then there is this couple seat. then when you leave up the thing, you can get intimate with your bf/gf. so i was asking yanjing when she kiss with "censored" then her head wont knock onto the handle thing. then i started asking her alot of things until the person beside her "shh-ed" me.
and hi tammy. actually truly speaking, frankly, i have tuition today and i did not ( i emphasized on the DID NOT) know it before hand. i even went all the way to my tuition teacher house to realize that there is no tuition today. and ya if i accompanied you to watch the bball match it will be too late for my tuition. but if i go queensway with yanjing, i can still reach there in time cos the place is near my tuition place. and i kept hurrying yanjing to go home too. so actually truly speaking, frankly , i did not lie to you at all:)