i know how to do all the claps. cos our camp instructors were the same!
and to qinxin:
i cannot see ghosts. so there's no ghosts at labrador park.
went for leadership camp briefing together with minwei and arifa.played ice breaker game. learned some claps, eg. macho clap.
About 6/8 of the time we had briefing i was not there. We had a trash out talk together with the other netballers. the netballers commented that i was not serious during training and talked back to the seniors. AHHH! and i gave comments about the other netballers too! Hope we would have full attendance soon.
maybe this would be possible after this trash out talk and i promise to be more serious during trainings which is a bit quite impossible.
had class party. and we ate pizzas! pizza hut took a long long time to deliver the pizzas. we waited till about 2 plus(yvonne said) and that's very very long. before that , we played water bomb using balloons! when the balloons have been used finished, we went to use water bottles to spray each other! then we got tired of it and thus the water bomb game is over.
we ordered 9 pizzas in total and 4 bottles of pepsi and garlic bread and glad to say that we finished them all. when the pizzas just came. min wei was saying that we guarantee cannot finsih pizza. however what she said was not true, our class had a huge appetite especially weiyang who kept looking for garlic bread!
a report just like Grace on my results ( the SA2 not combined)
English 67
Chinese 74
Maths 81
Science 75
Geography 75
Literature 73
Visual Arts 55
now for the combined thingy which is overall
English 67
Chinese 76
Maths 79
Science 69
Geography 69
History 68
Literature 69
Home Economics A1
Visual Arts 55
Civics & Moral education- A
Music- B
and the comments are
An effusivce character who will excel with a little more self motivation. She is always ready to offer to her peers and teachers. Pearl has shown sustained improvement in English. Pearl is a very cheerful( OF COURSE) girl but she needs to be more focused and consistent in her learning if she desires to do better. She has strong leadership qualities and is able to guide her fellow team-mates. (who wrote this???)
- trainings
it's mostly about this. it was tiring. and the seniors were stricter than Miss Cheong. We did things that we have not done for ages and i can see that my passes are all wrong. I either threw too high for the player or the pass was just now good enough. i have to improve!
improve improve improve! have to work harder!
to graceh,
title: blogskin
where's my blogskin you have promised me? i said i wanted the siloso beach blogskin and you have promised me and you have not done it! i sent you the picture already! where is it???
to graceh.
title: on peter tan ( the handicapped guy)
We totally detest him don't we? He created sins for himself by causing people to lose their income. God will punish him. However, he's already a handicapped guy. I think he's a really bad guy for God to punish him to this extend right? I think God will take pity on him and punish him in his next life. Isn't God magnanimous. QUICK Peter!! Thank God.
hey lynn! there are only 2 free periods. the third one which is english is not counted as mrs wong came to relief us! and our dearest class tshirt is settled? and the colour is orange! heard that everyone? ORANGE. i seriously think our class is the last class to have a class tee shirt.
i have to write for yanjing 5 more crazy testimonials in order for yanjing to persuade her crazy dis. so without me, i think this would be all impossible. thus you have to thank the great Pearl! and told you Miss Ayu rocks. And I am a Home Econs Rep! Thanks for all who nominated me... There are like only 4 if i am not wrong which i believed to be Lynn, Amy, Qinxin and Grace. Love all of you! HAHAH.
How did you feel do be molested by me the great Pearl? SHIOK rite? Do you wish to have more? ( of pulling skirts)
You cheat me of my feelings again! I did not know that you had not submitted the forms yet. Minwei too! Tammy toO! Yvonne Too! You all better go okay? Must join me!
Reminder: Hand up your forms tomorrow!
and where's our proposal for the netball party?? have to submit a proposal to our dearest Captains! THEY ARE GREATER THAN THE SKIES.
we are having a class party on friday. and so happened that the school is having a DeepaRaya celebration. and some of them areunable to stay back. and so.. the function heads, the management heads and discipline head( we rock) went to argue with them! ARGUE!! and because of this, i owe Yanjing the siao char bor 5 more crazy testimonials! which equals to eleven. isn't that alot?
however, everything is settled and there would be a class party! and we are eating pizzas! Miss Ayu is helping us to order them. Isn't she great?
and our class funds has $205. due to us winning too much awards like the best behaved class , cleanest class , best decorated class and blah blah. thus our tee shirts / the class party is subsidised!!!
im a molester. i pull amy, yanjing, minwei and lynn's skirts. and they took their revenge on me by throwing the ball to the seniors thus i was not able to shoot for like 20 mins or more. LOL!
where is ou de yang? i wan to see his faceeeee

hi. im supposed to be helping that girl above ^ posts the pics taken during the sentosa trip but im too lazy and tired to wait for the hundred pics to be uploaded so i guess you just have to wait for me to pass pearl the cd containing the pics so that she can post them up herself. thank you for your cooperation. that pic above is just for your viewing pleasure. I KNOW PEARL IS CUTE(esp with those specs)!
it's obvious who i am alrd.
and i got an A1 for my geography! Before that, Miss Kan asked if i did put in effort. Of course i had to say that I did, if i said i did not put in any effort and if i failed( touch lots and lots of wood), Miss Kan would definitely scold even harsher. She also asked if I was confident of passing and I of course said YES. and she said that it's good to have confidence. She made it sound like i was going to fail! and i could not take it any longer and snatched the paper away from her and fold the paper into half and ran back to my seat.
and slowly... i opened my paper and i saw a SEVENTY FIVE on the first page of the paper which is the part where you have to record the marks. HAHAHA! and i screamed as what Lynn thought i would do.
and Minwei is such an honest girl. She went to tell the teacher that there was an error in marking. and beside the part where they had to record down the score, Miss Kan wrote " Honest Girl" beside it.
Lynn.. Do you think that there is any short forms here?
Support the Short formed campaign!
it's like that loh.
netball training today and it was drizzling and the weather is so cool!
And so happened that Daphne watched " Skeleton key" too!
i am going out soon! to watch some horror movie. with lynn. SO MIRACLE. and also with yanjing.
and another miracle had just happened.lynn suggested to go to orchard. SO UNBELIVABLE. hahas.
cos it's raining.
qinxin it's raining. don't you love it?
i am going to learn how to make a blogskin of my own.
No school on 17Oct, 18Oct, 24Oct.
Went to Delifrance for Lunch with mother and cousin as we had $20 worth of voucher. The food's nice.
After that went back grandma house, my cousins refused to sleep so i played with them.
At about 3pm+ , i pestered Daphne to go to grandma house and so she came and we went to Shermane's house to play! There's a photo in which Shermane look so damn retarded! HAHAH! Shermane's brother,Ryan's leg was fractured. Then Shermane's mother asked us to go to the library to borrow some books for him.
And thus we went to the library! borrrowed some books and ran off to the hawker centre. Shermane treat us to grass jelly and SATAY.
after exams, lynn and me went to qinxin's house to change. qinxin house was big. but yvonne's one is bigger. ( shall talk bout yvonne's house later) Then, Lynn and me went to qinxin's brother room to change. After changing, we followed Qinxin then we saw their parents room door is made of glass. No privacy. However, there's actually another door.
After packing our stuffs, we cabbed to yvonne's house and we were lost. We did not know where was Yvonne's house and so the uncle asked us to get down. He said that he had no time to play with us.
HELLO! We are paying him it's not like we are taking a free ride.
Then, we had to walk and find our way to yvonne's house. Since it is a terrace house there were many dogs. And so they barked at us. After half an hour or more, we spotted a DHL car. and we asked the man where was West Coast Rife or something. He told us we had to walk straight turn left and so we heed his instructions and finally i recognised the stairs to yvonne house. and hurray! we reached her house!
we went up to one of the rooms which was so cosy that qinxin said that one daywe could stayover at her house and all of us shall squeeze into that room. then yvonne's mother came to talk to us and we said hello to her mother. then we went to eat instant noodles.
at about 11.45pm we finally left yvonne's house and headed to SENTOSA! On our way there, Lynn hurt her feet. and i gave her my HELLOHELLO towel. and grace gave her plaster.
and we took 143 t0 habourfront!
when we reached habourfront, we took cablecar to sentosa! the cable car was pink! we have to take the lift to 15 floor and we took a video of it. lynn flashed her tourism card and our ride to sentosa is FREE.

we decided to go to the siloso beach as there's sakae sushi there. and we sat on the chairlift to Siloso beach.

that's the chairlift. and it's so fun so fun. Its like u sitting on a chair and the chair is able to move in the air.
and we finally reached siloso beach! we played with sunglasses and took pictures.
and my cam was spoilt there and we ate sakae sushi and it cost us arnd 100plus. including the GST and service charge.
we also went to underwater world where the fishes there are enlarged and they look so big. and we went to cinemania. it seemed quite real! we played redrockrun and kidscoasater. i prefer redrockrun.
then we went to the orchird garden. we could not find the volcano land. bluff people...
then we saw chen han wei and the ben yeo then we followed them up the bus. also cos we did not want to walk to the chairlift and thus we took the bus in the end we over shot the stop and i think they guessed that we are following them. then the ben yeo
then we walked back to the chairlift.and took it agian. it's fun fun fun!
we went to sit the carlsberg tower which is the tallest tower in asia which can move up and down. then there is this friendy lady she helped us take photos and we chatted with her .
it was time to return home. and we took the cable car from sentosa to habourfront to mount faber back to habourfront again. since it was free!
you girls made my day today! hahas.
and we have been to sentosa!
science is such an interesting subject.
we are going to sentosa.
we are going to senotsa here we come. we are going to sentosa here we come. we will ride on the cable cars and play the things there are and... sentosa here we come.
our weilian.
picture sponsored by grace hong. proudly decorated by: grace. tammy. lynn. qinxin. pearl. and many more.
markers sponsored by quan mei.
also we have some pictures of the election of the tall tall president

are you happy that it's your birthday?
Grow up!
stay happy. be the best WD / WA and maybe in ur dreams GS /GK.
now its time for the happy birthday song.
HappyBirthday to you
HappyBirthday to you
HappyBirthday to you.
"if only mr teo was here" IF ONLY. to tammy.
dearest qinxin. thats what only she can do. anyway the thing's settled. to qinxin
everything's over now. i have learnt a lesson and i will not do that again. I SWEAR. im really sorry about it.
thanks to those who helped me.
3cheers and 3cheers to whoever who helped yvo and me
hiphip hurray
hiphip hurray!!!!!!
she said this sentence which really made us laughed and wow-ed. which was:
"如果高人那么棒,为什么姚明不要做总统"。as quoted from Tammy.
next, we played the batman-superman-spiderman game. it was so fun and grace is just WOLS. lynn had a newer version of the game and its GK-C-GS. the actions are dumb.
patrick the starfish is always kidnapped by some alien and he is back to my side. hahas.
this geography test is quite alright although there are some answers which im not very sure of. the teacher who is supposed to invigilate us asked me to write down mine and yvonne's name. i hope nothing will happen to us.
nothing will happen to us. nothing will happen to us. everything is going to be alright:D