light it up
Tuesday, August 25
WHY IS MY SKIN SCREWED UP:( I LIKE MY PREVIOUS SKIN:( can anyone see this? hahaha
8:43 PM
Saturday, November 3
and my xanga is screwed up? i dont know how to change the skin. the codes are so screwed. HEHE.
and my xanga is screwed up? i dont know how to change the skin. the codes are so screwed. HEHE.
10:31 AM
Monday, January 15
i have switched to xanga. and this is my new url:
7:16 PM
Saturday, January 13
blogger is so screwed up! Cant post pictures! Shall switch to Xanga now! Bye Blogger!
I'll be back when you are better!
I'll be back when you are better!
9:55 PM
Friday, January 12
Hello! I am back from the Sports camp. Shall blog more about it later when Yanjing upload the photos!
It's been raining for 2days straight! It's the best time to sleep now! Bye!
It's been raining for 2days straight! It's the best time to sleep now! Bye!
6:40 PM
Friday, December 29
woo blogger can load?
we celebrated arifa's birthday in macdonalds! and miss choo gave us a treat! :D:D
i saw qinxin in orchard! qinxin you are so white! then while talking to her, i bump into an ah lien! when i turned my head, i saw this girl with piercings near her mouth! oh man! i was so damn scared so i quickly said sorry and ran away! i smsed qinxin later and she told me that the girl was actually asking for donations! lol! before you even approach me, i ran away! how to get donations!
and yeah i have watched death note2! :D:D
woo im going to ipoh to eat ipoh hor fun. im gonna have fun there cos im gonna eat ipoh hor FUN!
we celebrated arifa's birthday in macdonalds! and miss choo gave us a treat! :D:D
i saw qinxin in orchard! qinxin you are so white! then while talking to her, i bump into an ah lien! when i turned my head, i saw this girl with piercings near her mouth! oh man! i was so damn scared so i quickly said sorry and ran away! i smsed qinxin later and she told me that the girl was actually asking for donations! lol! before you even approach me, i ran away! how to get donations!
and yeah i have watched death note2! :D:D
woo im going to ipoh to eat ipoh hor fun. im gonna have fun there cos im gonna eat ipoh hor FUN!
8:21 PM
Tuesday, December 26
i am supposed to have training now if not for the fact that its raining!
and i want to watch death note2 !!

you read how they translate from chinese to english! oh man! sucks like shit!
i am supposed to have training now if not for the fact that its raining!
and i want to watch death note2 !!

you read how they translate from chinese to english! oh man! sucks like shit!
8:39 AM
Monday, December 25
my phone was damn quiet on the eve of christmas. then came christmas and suddenly everyone became so damn merry! MERRY CHRISTMAS.
why is it that merry christmas is red and green and not other colours like purple and black or something else.
im blogging in my auntie's house. and my auntie is watching my girl!
ho yan jing!
i remember the plot of my girl already! okay! its about this tour guide and she agreed to be the main lead's sister in order to wake the grandfather up during in coma or something like this!
merry merry!
i wanna watch death note2! and can someone tell me whats the difference between sneak preview and during the actually screening itself!
i shall make this post longer since i haven been blogging for days. oh yes. there was this day where there were supposed to be training. then it rained and there was no court for us to train. JJC and Fairfield took the court later when it stopped raining. and then we took the volleyball and started playing all sorts of nonsense! team bonding! haha! then we had match with super seniors and juniors!
its christmas today!
scv got games! and i played this magic4 game! rather fun!

i just took this picture from my pictures and post it here since my post is rather bland without pictures!
yeah yeah! cheuping's cousin survived the superstar revival! good good! means top10! if he enters finals then i can benefit from it! maybe she will have tickets to it and the whole team can go there to party! cool cool! go go go!
zhengning promised to bring for me strawberry with honey thing! They sell that in cameron highland and i like it! :D:D thanks:D merry christmas!
oh well i shall stop blogging now! have a nice day! :D:D goodbye!
5 / 6 more days!
5566. from 6 people to 5 people to 4 to 3 people! lol!
my phone was damn quiet on the eve of christmas. then came christmas and suddenly everyone became so damn merry! MERRY CHRISTMAS.
why is it that merry christmas is red and green and not other colours like purple and black or something else.
im blogging in my auntie's house. and my auntie is watching my girl!
ho yan jing!
i remember the plot of my girl already! okay! its about this tour guide and she agreed to be the main lead's sister in order to wake the grandfather up during in coma or something like this!
merry merry!
i wanna watch death note2! and can someone tell me whats the difference between sneak preview and during the actually screening itself!
i shall make this post longer since i haven been blogging for days. oh yes. there was this day where there were supposed to be training. then it rained and there was no court for us to train. JJC and Fairfield took the court later when it stopped raining. and then we took the volleyball and started playing all sorts of nonsense! team bonding! haha! then we had match with super seniors and juniors!
its christmas today!
scv got games! and i played this magic4 game! rather fun!

i just took this picture from my pictures and post it here since my post is rather bland without pictures!
yeah yeah! cheuping's cousin survived the superstar revival! good good! means top10! if he enters finals then i can benefit from it! maybe she will have tickets to it and the whole team can go there to party! cool cool! go go go!
zhengning promised to bring for me strawberry with honey thing! They sell that in cameron highland and i like it! :D:D thanks:D merry christmas!
oh well i shall stop blogging now! have a nice day! :D:D goodbye!
5 / 6 more days!
5566. from 6 people to 5 people to 4 to 3 people! lol!
4:06 PM
Saturday, December 16
I am supposed to meet yanjing and here i am blogging away! Im too lazy to get out of my house to pass her the show! Oh yes and I am downloading auditions! The downloading takes forever!
Im not afraid of snakes okay! Its just that i dont like frogs and lizards!
2% of auditions has been successfully downloaded!
Mrs tham has given birth:D
Im not afraid of snakes okay! Its just that i dont like frogs and lizards!
2% of auditions has been successfully downloaded!
Mrs tham has given birth:D
2:25 PM
Sunday, December 10

it is actually a 400m field. we have to run around it 19times during our last training in JJC. it was indeed unforgettable!

the past week have been damn hectic and i have not been blogging for like forever! so i shall blog today! on monday we started our netball day camp and the first thing we did was to rock climb!

woo im climbing climbing!!!

yay we finished rock climbing:D:D hannah and wenqian should join for rock climbing competitions because they climb like monkeys! super fast and good!

woo we are on miss chen's car!
monday - wednesday. we were playing matches and all the bondings.
we wasted so much time on wednesday. because of the rule of no slippers allowed in the library. then we have to apologize to the librarian and mrs tan. arifa was wearing shoes but because we are a team, she cant go in to read her book!
on wednesday we went to watch the four nations match! and i have got fever on wednesday!
on friday, i went to the zoo! ZOO!


the horse's fur is damn pretty!




i am not afraid!

meerkat! so damn cute!


scotland's ga! runs around with two plaits! Morag Fraser

she plays GS! and she's 187cm!

scotland's flag like that. a CROSS!
its sunday today! and there will be star awards! !!! wei lian may just win something with his huge auntie fan base!

miss choo gave me these:D the adidas wrist band is for everyone in the team! with different colours to choose from! the stress netball she just threw it to me because i was standing up? there is the signature of one of the scotland's player!
12:12 PM
Saturday, December 2
did not go to the chalet! no free food!
im playing neopets! cheat! i signed up a new account! and i have got a trophy already! :D:D i like cheat! off to play neopets! good bye!
im playing neopets! cheat! i signed up a new account! and i have got a trophy already! :D:D i like cheat! off to play neopets! good bye!
11:55 AM
Wednesday, November 29
bbq at chevrons tomorrow. wooo. free food!
6:26 PM
Sunday, November 26
damn stupid fine day i took mrt home. and i was listening to the radio then i thought i knew the answer to the question. i was about to take out my phone to sms when i heard the prize was hady's album. CHEY! so i thought of hannah and wanted to sms her to tell her i knew the answer. suddenly Michelle and Hannah shouted Pearl. lol i thought of hannah and i saw her! okay yeah! damn funny.
i like the show xi you ji! damn old show but still i like it! and yes im watching it!
shall do tammy's quiz/
Of Your Friends...
List 10 Of Your Friends (Any Gender) Below
1. Hannah
2. Wanting
3. Michelle
4. Minwei
5. Yanjing
6. Lynn
7. Kai wen
8. Tammy
9. Carmen
Now Answer The Questions Below Referring To The Friends You Listed Above.
How long have you known 1?: 2 years
Have you been to 8's house?: yes
Do you like 6?: no. im foo ling you
Are 4 and 10 friends?: good good friends:D
Have you been to 3's house?: no.
Would you ever live with 5?: she wont want to live with me!
When was the last time you talked to 4?: yesterday?
Would 1 and 6 make a good couple?: they are both girls and yeahhh...
How about 8 and 10?: they are girls.
Have you ever dreamt about 2?:i think so. i dream about everyone.
Have you ever slept with 9?: during camps?
Is 7 attractive?: she;s my friend! what do you think.
Do you love 4?: i am a girl. she is a girl.
Would you ever cuddle with 1?: no
Would you ever kiss 3?: no
What do you like best about 6?: she's nice
Have you ever had a crush on 1, 3, 5, 7, or 9?: no
Do you ever wish you never met 3?: no no! she's my chimp
How did you meet 5?: netball, class
Has 2 seen you naked?: NO
Have you seen 2 naked?: NO NO.
Who is taller? 5 or 10?: same height? not sure.
Have you met 4's family?: yeah!i have seen her whole family!
Would you ever go out with 3?: i went out with her before!
Do you think 7 is funny?: yeah. quite
What about 6?: yeah
Where was the last place you went with 1?: jurong east
When was the last time you hung out with 2?: netball 2 days ago
Where do you want to take 3?: to the zoo
When do you want to see 4?: netball
Would 5 and 6 make a good couple?: they are girls
Have 7 and 8 ever kissed?: they are girls
Would 9 or 10 ever live together?: maybe!
Would you let 3 have your baby?: no.
Have you ever told 1 a deep dark secret?: yeah.
Has 1 ever told you a secret?: yeah
Would you runaway with 6?: to where?
Who was the last person 9 kissed?: how would i know
Who was the last person 7 hugged?: dont know.
What word or phrase does 5 say alot?: hmph?
Does 6 make you laugh?: yeah.
Does 2 ever annoy you?: sometimes! she is damn kiasu!
When did you last call 4?: forgot recently
Do you ever talk to 3 online?: yup
What about 2?: yes.
Does 10 smell bad?: lol no.
Does 1 smell nice?: yah.
Are 1 and 8 friends?: yes
Now the most exciting part. Write down the names of 5 friends and ask them to do this survey. Have Fun!
1. Minwei
2. Lynn
3. Hannah
4. Yanjing
5. Qinxin
i like the show xi you ji! damn old show but still i like it! and yes im watching it!
shall do tammy's quiz/
Of Your Friends...
List 10 Of Your Friends (Any Gender) Below
1. Hannah
2. Wanting
3. Michelle
4. Minwei
5. Yanjing
6. Lynn
7. Kai wen
8. Tammy
9. Carmen
Now Answer The Questions Below Referring To The Friends You Listed Above.
How long have you known 1?: 2 years
Have you been to 8's house?: yes
Do you like 6?: no. im foo ling you
Are 4 and 10 friends?: good good friends:D
Have you been to 3's house?: no.
Would you ever live with 5?: she wont want to live with me!
When was the last time you talked to 4?: yesterday?
Would 1 and 6 make a good couple?: they are both girls and yeahhh...
How about 8 and 10?: they are girls.
Have you ever dreamt about 2?:i think so. i dream about everyone.
Have you ever slept with 9?: during camps?
Is 7 attractive?: she;s my friend! what do you think.
Do you love 4?: i am a girl. she is a girl.
Would you ever cuddle with 1?: no
Would you ever kiss 3?: no
What do you like best about 6?: she's nice
Have you ever had a crush on 1, 3, 5, 7, or 9?: no
Do you ever wish you never met 3?: no no! she's my chimp
How did you meet 5?: netball, class
Has 2 seen you naked?: NO
Have you seen 2 naked?: NO NO.
Who is taller? 5 or 10?: same height? not sure.
Have you met 4's family?: yeah!i have seen her whole family!
Would you ever go out with 3?: i went out with her before!
Do you think 7 is funny?: yeah. quite
What about 6?: yeah
Where was the last place you went with 1?: jurong east
When was the last time you hung out with 2?: netball 2 days ago
Where do you want to take 3?: to the zoo
When do you want to see 4?: netball
Would 5 and 6 make a good couple?: they are girls
Have 7 and 8 ever kissed?: they are girls
Would 9 or 10 ever live together?: maybe!
Would you let 3 have your baby?: no.
Have you ever told 1 a deep dark secret?: yeah.
Has 1 ever told you a secret?: yeah
Would you runaway with 6?: to where?
Who was the last person 9 kissed?: how would i know
Who was the last person 7 hugged?: dont know.
What word or phrase does 5 say alot?: hmph?
Does 6 make you laugh?: yeah.
Does 2 ever annoy you?: sometimes! she is damn kiasu!
When did you last call 4?: forgot recently
Do you ever talk to 3 online?: yup
What about 2?: yes.
Does 10 smell bad?: lol no.
Does 1 smell nice?: yah.
Are 1 and 8 friends?: yes
Now the most exciting part. Write down the names of 5 friends and ask them to do this survey. Have Fun!
1. Minwei
2. Lynn
3. Hannah
4. Yanjing
5. Qinxin
6:20 PM
Saturday, November 18
had a carnival in rgs. and we played with all the elites girls' school.
the next day we played against north vista in kallang. we took many many pictures there!

with the national team captain! pearline!

she is tall!

even taller!

c div'05/06


go wanting go! go wanting in the house 9 days old!

LOL ARIFA! get well soon!

yanjing went to the toilet to change and i quickly asked hannah to follow me and went to take pictures with the national players! because ho yan jing did not allow me to take individual pictures with that! but still i did that! lol! with her camera!!


okay rock on everyone! thats all for today! have a nice day!
the next day we played against north vista in kallang. we took many many pictures there!

with the national team captain! pearline!

she is tall!

even taller!

c div'05/06


go wanting go! go wanting in the house 9 days old!

LOL ARIFA! get well soon!

yanjing went to the toilet to change and i quickly asked hannah to follow me and went to take pictures with the national players! because ho yan jing did not allow me to take individual pictures with that! but still i did that! lol! with her camera!!


okay rock on everyone! thats all for today! have a nice day!
9:46 PM
Wednesday, November 15
from pasir panjang all the way to pandan gardens.
from pasir panjang all the way to pandan gardens.
5:30 PM
wooo I AM BACK!

the food on the plane isnt that nice. i watch pirates of the carribean dead man's chest on the plane. and its boring. so i switch channels to watch john tucker must die! oh its nice and funny! king and the clown. little men. played super mario.

when i reached thailand i took this van to the hotel! thailand roads are super congested.

they have a lot of road stalls.

i stayed in baiyoke sky hotel. and this is the tallest building in thailand. the lift goes damn fast like 1 second per storey. but the problem is its damn troublesome and there is no point in staying at such high storey.

tuk tuk car! if you travel on this, you will stink like shit. cos thailand's air is not healthy!

shop shop! all the cheap cheap things are in there.

i travel around in mrt in thailand! their train is like singapore's.

see the "Thailnad". they spelt it wrongly okay.

shop in this market like place. that place is huge. it's like singapore's bugis village? street? i dont know what. but they definitely have more variety.

they even sell pets!



this place is like singapore's vivo city. the things there are damn expensive with all the gucci and blahblahblah

we went to pray. and the last time i went to thailand it wasnt so pretty. now got all the jewels and stuff and its damn bright and nice.

yay! we are going back to singapore!


the food on the plane isnt that nice. i watch pirates of the carribean dead man's chest on the plane. and its boring. so i switch channels to watch john tucker must die! oh its nice and funny! king and the clown. little men. played super mario.

when i reached thailand i took this van to the hotel! thailand roads are super congested.

they have a lot of road stalls.

i stayed in baiyoke sky hotel. and this is the tallest building in thailand. the lift goes damn fast like 1 second per storey. but the problem is its damn troublesome and there is no point in staying at such high storey.

tuk tuk car! if you travel on this, you will stink like shit. cos thailand's air is not healthy!

shop shop! all the cheap cheap things are in there.

i travel around in mrt in thailand! their train is like singapore's.

see the "Thailnad". they spelt it wrongly okay.

shop in this market like place. that place is huge. it's like singapore's bugis village? street? i dont know what. but they definitely have more variety.

they even sell pets!



this place is like singapore's vivo city. the things there are damn expensive with all the gucci and blahblahblah

we went to pray. and the last time i went to thailand it wasnt so pretty. now got all the jewels and stuff and its damn bright and nice.

yay! we are going back to singapore!

2:08 PM